Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome to Gremlins Football

Dear Riverton Gremlin Players and Parents,

Welcome to Ute Conference Football. As a coaching staff, we are very excited to get to know your boys and are looking forward to helping them develop their skills, have a lot of fun and hopefully win a bunch of football games. For all of the first-year players and families, I suspect by now you’ve observed a difference between football and the other youth sports you may have participated in. The schedule of practices and games is demanding, but in the end, your son will have an opportunity to learn many of the fundamentals of the game and will begin to learn many important life lessons – including how to overcome obstacles, how to be persistent and how to work as a team toward a common goal.

My philosophy with regard to youth sports is that above all else, it should be fun. Fun doesn’t always translate into easy or leisurely, but just because we are learning new skills and pushing ourselves to try a little harder, it doesn’t mean that we can’t smile a little bit while we do it. I would like to try to find new and engaging ways to teach the boys. We will do things like the Caterpillar Race, Relay Races and Bull In The Ring, to keep their attention and to make it competitive and fun.

I wanted to write a few words with regard to practice time. The teams we will be competing against this year all are working on the same schedule and I expect that they all will be well-prepared when we meet. In order for us to be equally prepared, it is important that the boys are at practice and that they are on time. If a player is consistently missing practice time, that player will tend to fall farther and farther behind the rest of the team. In many ways, football is just like math class in that one concept builds on another. Also important (particularly early in the season) is that players learn the correct techniques so that they can minimize the potential for injury. If your son needs to miss practice, please let me know as far in advance as possible. The easiest way to reach me is to email me at or call me on my cell at (801) 916-4723.

Lastly, with regard to playing time, Ute Conference rules require that all players play at least 10 plays during each game (unless they are held-out for injury, disciplinary reasons or for missing practice.) It is my goal to exceed this minimum with every player every week. That said, playing time is based on our observations regarding effort during practice, attitude and skill. As coaches, we will try to put each player in a position to succeed and to be able to be on the field as much as possible.

Parents, thank you for allowing your son to be a part of our team this year. We drafted each of these players because we saw in each of them the potential to improve and to enjoy their experience this year. If you have any concerns or questions, please talk to me after practice or drop me an email.

Thanks and Go Silverwolves!

Coach Cody Williams

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